Yumei Huang ¶À¥Éª´

Operating and Storage Systems Lab

E-Mail : yumei01j@csie.fju.edu.tw

Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering,
Fu Jen University

510, Chung Cheng Rd, Hsinchuang, New Taipei City 24205

  1. The Sprite Network Operating System (1987)
  2. Process Migration in the Sprite Operating System (1987)
  3. LIRS: An Efficient Low Interreference Recency Set Replacement Policy to Improve Buffer Cache Performance (2002)
  4. CAR: Clock with Adaptive Replacement (2004)
  5. CLOCK-Pro: An Effective Improvement of the CLOCK Replacement (2005)
  6. LRU-WSR: Integration of LRU and Writes Sequence Reordering for Flash Memory (2008)
  7. Page Replacement Algorithm using Swap-in History for Remote Memory Paging (2009)
  8. High Performance Cache Replacement Using Re-Reference Interval Prediction (RRIP) (2010)
  9. First-In Not Referenced First-Out Page Replacement (2011)
  10. Greedy Page Replacement Algorithm for Flash-aware Swap System (2012)
  11. A Quantitative Study of Recency and Frequency based Web Cache Replacement Strategies (2013)